Women of Faith International

HomeWomen of Faith International

Welcome to WOFI!

This is the ministry that reaches out to women of all denominations across the land. We believe that women are ministers to be encouraged and challenged to reach their destiny in Christ. At W.O.F.I we are equipped to do so.

The fellowship is also a place where you will come to know the potentials in you. God has placed a well in you that is waiting to be exposed to the world around you.

Remember sisters, you are a well full of water, that someone is waiting to drink from.

Our next meeting time:

December 2nd 2023 – WOFI Christmas Breakfast @ HILTON DOUBLETREE HOTEL, ROTHERHITHE LONDON
More info to follow.

WOFI January 2024 Conference – January 26th – 27th 2024
More info to follow.

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